What's In A Name? | Northern Virginia Photographer

Hello everyone!!

I am sure that if you are here, you have questions about our name change! I’ll do my best to outline answers to questions I anticipate coming our way, but if you have any additional questions, please feel free to drop them in the comments or shoot me an email at amanda@seanpurcellphotography.com

Q- Why did you guys change the name?

A- We have always worked together as a team, both on shoots and behind the scenes, and wanted the name of the company to really reflect that.

Q- Is your email address changing?

A- Yes, however, we will be slowly migrating the old email into the new one. For now, you can email either the old domain, or the new one, and they will end up in the same place. On Jan 1, the old email addresses will no longer be active, so we ask that you update your records before then.

Q- Are your services changing?

A- NO. We will still be offering all types of portrait sessions, wedding collections and product photography, the same as we have been.

Q- What about my gallery?

A- Our gallery service will be the last to change over, but yes, that will result in some broken links. I will try to reach out to everyone via email with a new link to access your gallery, but in the meantime, feel free to email us regarding your gallery link.

Taking Details to the Next Level | AKP Jazzy Retreat | Northern Virginia Photographer

Back in March, I had the privilege to attend my fourth AKP Retreat. One of these days I’ll get the first three blogged, but for now I want to share a bit about my time in New Orleans with you. 

Each retreat that I have attended has been such an incredible experience, and all four have been so different from each other, that it’s impossible to pick a favorite. But this one, dubbed “AKP Jazzy”, spoke to me on so many levels. Maybe it was the content – we spent quite a bit of time learning how to elevate our detail shots, which is something I love to do. Maybe it was the size of the group – as the smallest retreat yet, we were all able to truly connect with each other on such a deep level, I left truly feeling like I had gained new sisters. Or perhaps it was because it was Ashton’s last retreat, and we all felt the need to really soak up every minute of each other, of the learning, of the experience as a whole, knowing that we probably would not get a chance to do this ever again. 

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Spring Flower Workshop | Northern Virginia Photographer

As someone who has been around flowers her entire life in one way or another, it’s pretty clear I have a deep love for them. So when I heard that Julie Abrera, from Beaumont House Design, was hosting a Spring Floral Workshop, I jumped at the chance to photograph it!! 


Julie loves flowers even more than I do and when she’s not foraging for local treasures or working those finds into her designs, she’s hosting workshops several times throughout the year. I was lucky enough to take one of her workshops awhile back, and was blown away by the experience.  I knew that this one would prove to be just as amazing, and I was right!!


Elizabeth Mock, the owner of Modern Mercantile in Berryville VA, was kind enough to open her doors to Julie and her attendees, and I have to say, the space was absolutely perfect!! Her store is utterly darling, and I definitely recommend stopping in if you find yourself in Clarke County. I picked up a gorgeous necklace and spent some time drooling over her terrarium building station! 


All of the women who took part in the workshop did an incredible job , creating their centerpieces. Watching each woman select blooms and bring their vision to life was a pretty cool thing to witness. You could see the pride and excitement build and their flowers came together, and even more impressive was how every arrangement turned out so different from the one next to it. 

Be sure to sign up for Julie’s newsletter and follow Beaumont House Design on Facebook so that you don’t miss out on the next workshop!


Want to know more about Julie? You can read more here, and keep up with her Instagram adventures over here

Curious about Elizabeth and Modern Mercantile? Check out the website and their Instagram!

Workshop: Beaumont House Design

Venue: Modern Mercantile

Locally Sourced Flowers: Greenstone Fields

Design Bowls: Jamali Garden

Confections: The Sweet Elephant

Shoot & Share Contest Results | Northern Virginia Photographer

So this was our first year entering the annual Shoot and Share contest, and man was it awesome!! I had a really hard time picking only (haha) 50 images to submit, since I had alllllll of our sessions to choose from! 

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