Guys. It's National Pet Day!! Probably not the topic I should be writing about for our third official blog post, but here we are.
Basically I'm just going to use this as a way to uberspam you with amazing photos of my equally amazing little fur ball, Toby. (I have another cat, too, Snickers... but he's my crabby little old man, and I don't have as many photos of him) I adopted Toby in December of 2016 after vehemently insisting that I did NOT need "another damn cat". But then my friend posted photos of the kittens he was giving away on facebook.
That photo did it for me. And since then, he's been up in my business all day every day.
I like to think of him as the little SPP mascot, since he's always everywhere, lol. Toby has done a fine job inserting himself into the business, and I have the photos to back it up!
Check out some more Toby cuteness below, and then head on down to the comments to tell me what pet YOU'RE celebrating today!!
Giving my new shipment from HoneySilks the Toby stamp of approval .... and helping me edit.
"Helping" with a product shoot for Created by Joedi
Showing us how unsure he is about his mini from Whimsical Whinnies